Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mixie continued

Two years to the day that I last wrote. I still haven't written Mixie. I honestly haven't felt like it for more than a year, but just in the last week, she's been creeping into my subconscious again. Once again, I feel like I need to rework the story and I recently thought up a new angle, so we'll see how that plays out.

I'm also still working on Ellie the high schooler. That story is much more plotted out, although I don't know Ellie like I know Mixie. Perhaps because Mixie feels autobiographical, or at least based on me, the way I am in my head. Hmm.

With the new job finally working itself out (a year and a half later), I feel like I will actually have time this year--2010--to write. Go me!!